This article marks the sixth installment for the A Coach's Dozen: 13 Beliefs of Good Coaches . This post looks at the belief that to be a good coach you must be a great teacher. With the tip-off of the college basketball season, the march to madness has begun again. What that means for me, and countless other hoop fans, is the daily digestion of newspaper and magazine articles all breaking down the strengths and weaknesses of every one of the 347 Division I university teams. I am sure this is a similar pre-season ritual for many of you with your favorite sport. During my current obsession of scouting reports and team breakdowns, something struck me. It seems the favorite cliché used by every sports reporter when describing college basketball coaches is… player’s coach . By no means is the term player’s coach new to athletics. In fact, I can’t recall ever meeting a coach at any level of competition that either didn’t describe themse...
Helping Coaches Win Authentically