This article marks the ninth installment for the 13 Beliefs of Good Coaches . This post investigates the belief that thinking out of the box is important for any coach. Encouraging your players, staff, and yourself to be innovative is vital. BUT, it is also your job to stop all bad ideas and most of the good ones too. Far and away one of my favorite sports movies of all time is Moneyball . Moneyball is the story of how Billy Beane, general manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team, transformed the game of baseball by taking a sophisticated sabermetric approach to scouting and analyzing players. The reason I loved the movie was because it portrayed an aspect of coaching that is often overlooked by the media. Sure, there are a ton of great movies, books, and documentaries about a coach that inspires his team to greatness (my all-time favorite of these is Hoosiers ). There are also wonderful stories about a coach who makes a personal connection with their athletes and helps ...
Helping Coaches Win Authentically